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Build your own bespoke dress!

Select your size, skirt option, ruffle option and sleeve option to create a dress that is truly uniquely you

The bespoke dress was designed to provide you with endless options. Long, short, ruffle, no ruffle, puff sleeve, straight sleeve.... and multiple combinations of these elements! Add to that the ability to use a range of fabrics from georgette to sateen, lace to brocade. You can create a casual day dress or formal evening gown with the bespoke dress pattern and your inagination!


*pattern sold seperately here


The kit includes:

1.6  metres of fabric, PLUS additional fabric added per requirements for your selections.

fusible stay tape

60cm dress zip

80cm lining fabric or self lining fabric

Maker society luxe cloth label

*for puff sleeve version 1 metre 2cm wide elastic


The Bespoke Dress Kit… LINEN

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